Week 14 Story: V and the Bishop of Hereford

The world of Night City is one where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Technological advancements in society did nothing to benefit the lower class, and widened the gap between classes even further. As the elite used money to buy the latest cybernetic implants and live longer, the poor were forced to fight over scraps and jerry-rig what they could to keep up with the dawn of a new era. But wisdom did not always come with longevity, and those on the bottom of the food chain always found ways to outwit and stay one step ahead of those lavishing at the top.

The underground was always full of mercenaries looking to make a quick buck for themselves or for a client, and the upper class of Night City never failed to provide a juicy and unsuspecting target for clients. The notion was that the wealthy were so obscenely rich that a couple missing millions of credits here and there couldn't hurt them in the long run. But in the hands of those beneath them, that money could set someone up for life. And so among the assortment of gigs offered by fixers, one could always find a heist of some sort related to stealing from the rich.

One day V and Jacky found themselves in a quick pinch for cash, as they had depleted a significant amount of funds on weapons and upgrades to their implants, without setting aside an amount for rent and basic necessities like food. A group of Jacky's friends, known as the Merry Men, had caught word that a "bishop" from a nightclub known as Hereford would be transporting a large sum of credits on hand. Smelling an easy score, V crafted a scheme that would put the money in their hands.

As the "bishop", who was just a co-owner of the club, left the premises early that morning to beat the traffic rush, he noticed a couple of drunkards on the sidewalk holding what appeared to be bottles from behind the bar of the club. 

"Hey, those aren't cheap and they're not meant to leave the club. You need to bring them back inside and pay for them," he grumbled as he reached for the expensive liquor clinking in the man's hand. Suddenly, the man's hand shot up and the bishop felt a gun to his chest.

"Easy now, wouldn't want to make you lose any blood. What you're going to do now is get up without drawing any attention, and follow me to my friend's diner. We'll take especially good care of you," V said, all signs of being drunk expunged from his now cold demeanor.

When the fake drunkards arrived at the designated diner, the bishop sat down, sweating from being escorted by V to the way to the restaurant. He had been telling him to order whatever he wanted off the menu, but the bishop could not muster up the energy to eat anything but an appetizer. When the bill came out, the final amount boggled him as it matched the amount of cash he was carrying on him. But when he looked around the restaurant for help and caught nothing but hungry glares from others around him, he realized the mistake he had made. Unfortunately this mistake was not worth losing his life over, and he resigned himself to his fate as V and Jacky pointed their guns at him and requested he stand down. He had been outsmarted, and now a year's worth of profits from the club was now in the hands of V and Jacky.

Author's Note: I based this story of V and Jacky off the tale about Robin Hood and the Bishop of Hereford. In the original story, Robin Hood sets it up so that he is caught killing the deer of the King, and this leads the bishop interacting with them so that they can stage a robbery and strip him of his valuables. This version includes the same details, but changes such as the bishop is not an actual bishop, but simply just the title of his role along with owning a nightclub named after Hereford.

Bibliography: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads by Francis James Child (1882-1898).


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